Megahéroe / Megahero
Del caos que queda tras la batalla se encarga Roll -compañera de Rock / Megaman- dotada también de un brazo armado. Pero sus armas no son las del combate: con el poder de su brazo, es capaz de aspirar la basura, limpiar ventanas en un periquete, desinfectar inodoros, cocinar y planchar, licuar y tostar pan a la velocidad de la luz. Eso sí, que no pretenda aprender a volar o manejar autos. Más vale, antes, que se vaya a lavar platos.
Roll -Rock/Megaman 's mate- takes care of the chaos left after the battle, also using the weapons on her left arm. Yet, those weapons are not suitable for the fight: with her powerful arm she can vaccum the rubbish, she can clean windows in a jiffy and disinfect toilets, she's able to cook, iron, blend and toast bread at the speed of light. She can do all that, provided that she doesn't try to fly or drive a car. In that case, she'd better went to wash the dishes (*).
Para hacer el Megaman, empleé hilo de algodón de 6 hebras y un ganchillo de 3mm. Está compuesto de tres partes hechas por separado: la cabeza, el casco y el cuerpo -que empecé a partir de las piernas y al que adosé, luego, los brazos.
To make the Megaman, I used 6 ply cotton and a 3mm hook. It's worked in three parts: the head, the helmet and the body -which I started from the legs and while working I attached the arms.
The features on the face were a choice made by the owner . I was trying to recreate the face of the old videogame character, but my boy told me that the eyes looked crazy, and asked me to make it as you see it.
(*) Usually, in my place, when a woman is driving and she goes slow or she makes some kind of mistake, guys would shout at her something like "why don't you go wash the dishes!"