Manifiesto verde / Green manifesto
Ya da ya con andar asustando a las niñas con eso de que los sapos se transforman en príncipes. Déjenlas seguir gozando al besar sapos, tranquilas, ignorantes de un destino de mujeres que andarán por la vida tragándose sapos y besando cosas viscosas, esperanzadas en el don de una metamorfosis absurda.
Déjenlas abrazarlos y acunarlos, que duerman juntos -niña y sapo- a la lumbre del sueño de la inocencia.
Stop it with scaring little girls by saying that frogs (1) turn into princes. Let them go on kissing frogs, in peace, unaware of their fates as women who shall wander through life swallowing frogs (2) and kissing viscose stuff, hoping for the gift of an absurd metamorphosis.
Let girls hug them and rock them, let them sleep together -girl and frog- in the light of the dream of innocence .
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Sapo Pepe, para Lina. Las manos de su madre metamorfosearon el hilo en esta abrazable criatura. Toad Pepe, for Lina. Her mother's hands metamorphosed the yarn into this huggable creature. |
(1) For most of us latins, it's a toad that turns into Prince Charming when kissed by a princess, not a frog.
(2) We use the expression 'swallowing toads' (not frogs), to refer to situations in which we have to endure something hard to cope with, mostly to get something we need or want, in exchange.