Marzo, hace cuatro años / March, four years ago
Mis herramientas para tejer textos quisieron su propio estuche.
My tools for interweaving texts wanted their own case.
Te mostré mi anterior taller.
I showed you my previous worspace.
Abru te contaba de su frustración con la totora.
Abru told you about her frustration with spaghetti yarn.
Inaugurábamos blog con Ñandeyara.
We opened new blog with Ñandeyara.
Hubo un ritual que involucraba danzas.
There was a ritual that envolved dancing.
My tools for interweaving texts wanted their own case.
Te mostré mi anterior taller.
I showed you my previous worspace.
Abru te contaba de su frustración con la totora.
Abru told you about her frustration with spaghetti yarn.
Inaugurábamos blog con Ñandeyara.
We opened new blog with Ñandeyara.
Hubo un ritual que involucraba danzas.
There was a ritual that envolved dancing.